Argentine DVB-T2 will be migrated by Antina ?

Argentine DVB-T2 will be migrated to DVB-T 2

(Nextvlatam news) Argentina’s wireless Pay TV operator Antina is going to migrate to the DVB-T2 standard at the beginning of next year. Le k'eexpajal permitirá ti' le empresa ofrecer jump'éel ma'alo'ob calidad yéetel waaj a kóochkinsike'ex u oferta áantajo'ob. Antina kajak meyaj utia'al añadir yéetel HD yéetel táan u considerando Páaybe'en STB. Ma' u descarta le incorporación DVR.

Argentine DVB-T2

Le túumben estándar ofrecerá jump'éel búukinta'al asab eficiente le espectro, Ba'ax ka transformaría ti' jump'éel mayaj asab estable utia'al u permitir le incorporación HD. DVB-T'AANO' 2 Leti' le p'isik DVB-t'aano' ka yáax bin probada ti' Inglaterra, ti' 2008. Le segunda versión mejora le eficiencia yéetel ku cha'antik asab Buka'aj u ba'al u, tak 97% extra.

Kenya DVB-T2 gets Ksh1.2B grant for digital migration from Spain,

VCAN think it need much money to invest DVB-T2, which is popular in Europe and Asia market. It will be easy if Antina will get the government support, but Argentine has confirmed to use ISDB-T digital TV system. VCAN will follow the latest news for you.

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