


当流星通过俄罗斯的天空今年撕毁, the device that captured the sensational event was a car dashcam. These devices are small cameras attached to a windscreen that record what happens while you drive. 他们在俄罗斯似乎无处不在, and to understand why to go to YouTube and have a look at some of the footage. 记录范围从离奇到令人捧腹的悲惨事件. They are enough to convince you a dashcam is essential for driving in Russia — if you’re game to drive there at all. 该设备是不常见的澳大利亚, 但当地的经销商已经震惊由dashcams需求, 集对我们的保险费巨大的影响,我们的驾驶方式. The main idea is to record events in a way that can establish the facts in an accident where the fault is in dispute. They can also prevent a common overseas scam that involves bumper-to-bumper traffic on a highway. 当你的车道都被终止, 在前面的车进入反转你. It’s a rear-ender that has to be your fault — unless you’ve got a dashcam. 通常, 该单位的目的是连续记录和, 当他们的数据卡已满, 开始覆盖. 或者,他们可以,如果驾驶员注意到什么问题接通. 不稳定的驾驶或路霸, 也许. High-definition and a wide-angle lens gather enough detail to read license plates and most will work to a greater or lesser degree at night. 一些有多个摄像头, 一些红外线能力强. 许多有运动传感器之前和车已经碰一碰后自动保留部分. Adding GPS means it can accurately locate an incident and the speed at which your car is traveling. 他们可以继续运行,而车停放. 功能,如这些已经建立dashcams从通过GoPro的相机为代表的行动记录设备的独立小众. 除了俄罗斯, 其他国家纷纷采取他们的一大途径和几十个单位可供选择, 从台湾来最, 韩国, and China. 在澳大利亚, dashcams是一个相当新的现象, 但他们正在迅速成为流行. NAVMAN, 以其卫星导航单元, 一年前就开始为他们提供和需求已经惊讶. NAVMAN国家主管温迪·哈蒙德说,大约 100,000 今年将购买, 与该公司有关的转弯 30 percent of demand for units priced at more than $100. 她预计销售总额翻番,明年. “We’re shocked by how many people are buying them,” Hammond says. For the full story, you can read it from here. 欲了解更多 Australian car dashcam, VCAN has over 20 types and offers cargo shipping to your hand in any Australian area.

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