TV semoto

tv semoto

tv for car

Abantu abaningi banethemba abe TV semoto, Ingabe wena uthanda iwashi TV emotweni yakho ngesivinini? May your children or passenger want to have a real time TV to remove the bored time in car. manje VCAN DVB-T2010HD bangakunikeza phezu 80 tv isiteshi, kuhlanganise izindaba ophilayo, ezemidlalo, amabhayisikobho njll.

TV semoto

VCAN has ngezansi uhlelo TV ukuhlangabezana nemfuneko yakho.
1. HD DVB-T FTA umamukeli Europe.
2. HD DVB-T umamukeli nge CI umfundi i-Netherlands.
3. Car DVB-T2 i-Ukraine, Russia, Thailand.
4. Car ISDB-T ne-B-CAS i-Japan
5. ISDB-T HD I-eningizimu Melika
6. ATSC futhi ATSC-MH I-Nyakatfo Melika.
Uma ungenakukwazi ukuqinisekisa ukuthi iyiphi TV isimiso sendawo yakho, sicela ukhululeke ukuxhumana VCAN.



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