Polsko DVB-T2: TVP začíná 4K testy

Poland DVB-T2
Polsko DVB-T2

The Polish public broadcaster TVP will begin a 4K DVB-T2 trial on Friday, July 3.

Its main aims will be to test the compatibility of consumer DVB-T2 4K receivers employing HEVC; to test the emission quality of different parameters of transmission and reception of 4K signals; to measure and optimise the technical parameters of broadcasting in Polsko DVB-T2 in order to maximise technical reach; and – from July 20 – to compare the broadcast quality if 4K signals through different distribution channels, namely the web, TVP hybridní platformy a mobilní aplikace.

Proces bude trvat až do konce měsíce, s recepcí je možné pouze v oblasti Varšavě.

zdroje z: http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2015/07/02/tvp-starts-4k-tests/

Polsko DVB-T2

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