DVB-T2010HD Upgrade: Softwer għall-Portugall 1 kanal HD mingħajr ħoss

tip DVB-T / T2 H.265 DVB-T / T2 264 DVB-T ISDB-T
4 tuner 4 antenna DVB-T26540 DVB-T240 / ISDB-T7800
2 tuner 2 antenna DVB-T265 DVB-T221 DVB-T7200 ISDB-T9820
1 tuner 1 antenna / DVB-T2K DVB-T7000 ISDB-T63

DVB-T2010HD Upgrade: If some buyers from Portugal, has purchase VCAN DVB-T2010HD at 3 years ago, now Portugal one HD channel without sound, so we here offer software for upgrade.

(For more New products, jekk jogħġbok żur http://vcan.cc/v/c/dvb-t2/)

DVB-T2010HD Upgrade

Software download link:


VCAN download zip file
zip file VCAN download

DVB-T2010HD Upgrade Guide: (also in the above link MS word file)

twissija : Please MUST keeping power on machine during upgrading, otherwise fireware will be lost for ever.

Prepare the USB with upgrade file

  1. When you got the upgrade file from VCAN, please check the file, if the upgrade file name is *.imgPlease rename to NEC_EMMA3SLHD.UPG
  2. Please prepare one USB stick, and create one root document name “upgrade”, copy upgrade file inside. If your USB is H:, then file should be save as H:\ upgrade\NEC_EMMA3SLHD.UPG
  3. Poweroff DVB-T2010HD firstly, connect USB on DVB-2010HD.
  4. Power on DVB-T2010HD then, press menu-> installazzjoni, jekk jogħġbok ara hawn taħt istampa.
  5. Agħfas OK biex jagħżlu jaġġornaw STB, jekk jogħġbok ara hawn taħt istampa.
  6. Istampa ok u se pop up Aqra Taġġorna Fajl,din it-tifsira issa qari u l-aġġornament fajl mill USB.
  7. Sa pop-up "Taġġorna Komplut", jekk jogħġbok mitfija u enerġija fuq darb'oħra.

twissija : Please MUST keeping power on machine during upgrading, otherwise fireware will be lost for ever.

Ladarba inti tara "LE Apparat USB" jew "LE Fajl Taġġorna",jekk jogħġbok mitfija magna u l-qawwa mill-ġdid, jew check jaġġornaw fajl għandu kopja korrett.

Jekk inti għad għandek xi mistoqsija dwar upgrade, jekk jogħġbok għamel kuntatt magħna, http://vcan.cc/v/contact/

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