Kenya digital TV sale surge

Kenya digital TV sale surge

Demand for digital television sets in Kenya has more than tripled ahead of the 13 Disyembre 2013 deadline for analogue signal switch-off, according to a leading retailer.

Nakumatt Holdings says Samsung TVs with inbuilt DVB-T2 tuners achieved sales in its stores worth up to Sh30 million (US$350,000) each month in the six-month period to October 2013.

Jar hnini Nairobi xi atestiguado ar dätä 'bede ya ventas, ko salidas Nakumatt jar Mombasa, Kisumu ne Nanyuki 'nehe thogi xa hño, Gerente director Atul Shah, bí mä.


Ja ar Disyembre 2012, Samsung Electronics África ar ar este bí convirtió jar ndu̲i ar fabricante ar TV pa ga hä nthädi hä ar Comisión comunicaciones Kenya (CCK) pa ár TV ar 5600 ë ko sintonizador mfaxte TV 'bede.

“In association with our esteemed franchisee Nakumatt Holdings, ja ma 'ra ya distribuidores autorizados, Samsung is now providing such products to meet local demands,” said Robert Ngeru, chief operating officer, Samsung Electronics East Africa. “As a Built for Africa product, all our products also offer a triple protector so you never miss a moment of magic with built-in lightening, surge and humidity protection.”

Ngeru added that all Samsung 2013 TV models are DVB T2 compliant, in accordance with the requirements of the CCK.

Samsung has early in Kenya layout their digital TV business, Chinese DVB-T2 manufacturer have cheap price and good quality, but how to expand the local market, localization also needs to continue its efforts. Always focus in car digital TV manufacturers VCAN, has been developed for Kenya digital TV set-top boxes, in particular DVB-T2C, in Belarus, Rusia, Thailand has been hot selling, VCAN welcome more Kenya business.

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