Indonesia New DVB-T2 Receiver

Indonesia New DVB-T2 Receiver

Indonesia New DVB-T2 Receiver

Indonesia New DVB-T2 Receiver

Indonesia New DVB-T2 Receiver

Indonesia New DVB en T2 Receiver News:Laboratory (Indonesia) (MCIT) official testing laboratory) in January 2016 successfully completed a DVB en T2 receiver conformance certification testing system.

“With the R & S BTC enable automated RF test system BBPPT laboratory, we have succeeded in ASEAN’s three main official test lab deployment of R & SBTC systems in just 12 months. In order to further enhance the test system, we also released a camera-based solutions, enabling digital TV set-top box and automatic test “, Rohde & Schwarz broadcast television solutions for regional manager Li Bin said,” our ultimate goal is to make testing laboratory and manufacturer of the most reliable and efficient manner, different standard digital TV RF testing. "

With the introduction of DVB-T2 standard, Indonesia MCIT plans to EWS as part of DVB-T2 deployment. Indonesia’s early warning systems required to support up to 15 different types of disasters, three regional early warning and early warning based on zip code.

Indonesia New DVB-T2 Receiver

Indonesia DVB en T2, Yegada, ta haya mas 3 Bakinan di TV di outo?

Indonesia DVB-T2 Indonesia DVB-T2 Feedback: Hello mike, ya mi instala e dvb en t221, e resultado ta bon, the picture is stable during car running. all channels in jakarta can be detected, yen di cual ta 30 in Jakarta. DVB-T221 is good product. I recommend this product. Puntra: just comment for DVB-T221, it can not detect for paid []

Mobil DVB-T2 Indonesia DVB-T High Speed Digital TV Receiver automobile DTV box DVB-T221

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