DVB-t2 upgrade software firmware for DVB-T265 from OSD menu

dvb-t2 software upgrade
Please try to upgrade new firmware to check again.
  1. Unzip the attached firmware.
  2. Copy to a USB stick. (no other file)
  3. Choose software upgrade from the OSD menu.
  4. During the upgrade, please keep the power on until the upgrade ok. ورنہ, the firmware will lose and can not power on again.
  5. After upgrade, please auto search the channel and test again.

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ڈی وی بی ٹی علاقے کے لئے: DVB-T240-T فرم ویئر

DVB-T2 علاقے کے لئے: DVB-T240-T2- فرم ویئر

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