EWBS Emergency Warning Broadcast System

Emergency Warning Broadcast System

EWBS Emergency Warning Broadcast System

Le yaan meyajo'ob advertencia láakal (EWBS) ts'aik túumben tecnologías ti' le kaambalilo'ob Ts'aaj temprana yéetel le métodos tu'ux u comunicación.

EWBS le juntúul t.u.m activación remota utia'al Radio & TV that transmits alert/warning information to viewers and listener about a relevant disaster. EWBS is a feature of the Integrated Services Digital Broadcast-Terrestrial (ISDB-T'AANO') T.u.m, u inicialmente le tu tumen Japón.

Le norma ISDB-t'aano' ts'o'ok sido adoptada tumen asab ti' 15 countries in recent years. Japón, Brasil, Argentina, Perú, Filipinas, Maldivas, Uruguay, Iik, Venezuela, Ecuador, K'a'nabo' ki', Paraguay, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Belice, Botswana, Sri Lanka, El Salvador ISDB-T Digital TV Receiver and Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT).


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